pipingdesigners.com is run by Pipers for Pipers
It is a knowledge base for piping dedicated to bringing the best in current piping knowledge to piping professionals worldwide.
So ... What's on pipingdesigners.com?
A problem shared is a problem halved, and we intend to carry that notion further, through the use of forums where pipers of all levels can ask their piping design questions and find their answers.
piping training modules are provided to help young designers along, and also to refresh the memory of senior designers.
Our piping tool box is an ever-expanding library of information, spread sheets and cut sheets.
You will find piping standards, useful piping tips, blogs and various other topics.
If you are a piper looking for work, or that next contract role, look no further than the Piping Designers Job Board
We are dedicated to providing up to date job information and positions around the globe on our jobs page.
No one can ever know it all, but with the help of all our regular readers and contributors, we are striving to pool knowledge, and share it out.
If you have a piping problem, or if you have a piping solution, this is your starting point!
Take what you like from this site, just be sure and tell all your friends, colleagues and other contacts to visit the site.
Blog 1C: Thoughts on Job Descriptions
There are hundreds of companies, each of which has it's own method of doing things.
Some of these companies have more than one engineering office; some may have as many as twenty.
Section - 12H: Keeping piping data at your finger tips
There are three apps I use for piping fittings and pipe information.
Section - 12J: Sketching and Baseline
My last few projects have been low budget, no survey team, minimum field support, and no one available to assist in field data gathering. Sometimes you have good drawings of the existing units, but often you need to sketch the whole thing.
So, here are a few hints on setting up your sketch and establishing a baseline for dimensions.
Section - 12G: Photographs with intelligence
When I’m out at multiple sites, sometimes I forget which picture goes with each site. This app is called Theodolite. The more information that you can incorporate into your pictures and sketches, the more confident and accurate you design will be.