• Creator
  • #5463

    I have been having an e-mail “conversation” with an individual about what should be on a “Plot Plan” see below.

    [i]The question:
    Can you list the complete items included in plot plan?[/i]

    My answer:
    Plot Plan Items:
    Items listed here may apply to a Total Project Plot Plan, a Onsite Plot Plan, an Offsite Plot Plan, a large Area Plot Plan or a small Unit Plot Plan as is fitting the project.

    * North Arrow
    * A Graphic Scale indicating the same units of measure as the drawing
    * Wind “Rose” defining the seasonal direction of the wind and the velocity
    * Property Lines, Match Lines, Border Lines, Boundary Lines which ever is applicable
    * All natural features of the land that will effect the Plant Layout
    * All preexisting Equipment, Structures or Buildings that are to be retained
    * Coordinate locating designations for all of the items listed above
    * All Property line fences, gates and guard houses
    * All designated or geographic areas such as Onsite or Offsite
    * All equipment (simple geometric shapes), No coordinates or dimensions
    * The Tag Number Identification for all equipment
    * N/S – E/W Center Lines for all equipment
    * All Structures (including stairs) If multi-story then show a detached plan off to the side or on another Drawing.
    * All Pipe Racks (elevated or Sleeper type)
    * N/S – E/W Center Lines for all Pipe Rack Columns and Bents
    * All Primary and Secondary Roads
    * All access Ways.
    * All Rail Road Sidings (if applicable) and Rail Loading facilities
    * All Truck Loading facilities (if applicable)
    * All Buildings
    * The name and number of all buildings
    * All pre-existing natural or installed objects complete with identification
    * All space reserved for other purposes and not available for project use (Future Equipment, Catalyst Loading and unloading, etc)
    * All Dikes or Berms for Offsite Tankage
    * Flare Stack and the circle of clear safety space around the flare.
    * All Retention Ponds (Firewater, Storm Water or Waste Treatment)
    * All Cooling Towers
    * All Electrical Sub Stations

    For each individual plot plan the creator needs to go through this list and ask “Does this apply?
    If so then show it. If not then don’t show it.

    Now my request to the Forum:
    Please add any item that you have found necessary for a “Plot Plan”

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