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  • #6481


    Hey all,
    I’ve been around abit not near as much as some but have seen some good companies and some bad companies. Every company I’ve been at has a war going on between structural and piping. As a piper of course I feel we should be the ones controlling the structural design (minus of course the engineering). This is correct right?

    I’ve had a couple of instances with my last job where the head of the structural department has had flip outs because when I model I lay out all my structural first….His arguement was because I modelled all the structural and modelled it all sized correctly that I’m making them copiers. Thats a pretty crappy arguement if you ask me. After one complaint by structural, I’ve even at one point had the piping head ask me to slow down and use shapes. Of course I said no way thats rediculas. As a Canadian working in the USA I took it as a complement. Gotta represent you know.

    I use Autoplant so I use the structural module to lay out the steel. I have a good feel of supports, steel sizing and design. Its based on a combination of the excellent source material I’ve collected, personal knowledge and an understanding of the source material. I always build the structural with the knowledge that it will need to be engineered and should be redrawn by structural to make sure its done right and by the same hands that sign it off. So yes I do make them copiers to a point. The benefits of me doing it myself is its much faster for me to draw it correctly with the software than to use symbols, I’m not waiting on anyone to do their job in case we do a walkthrough and it avoids re-work to my piping…..I hate re-work. I’m also a firm believe that you can’t lay out any piping without setting your steel first to make sure you can even build it.

    To me this all seems logical common sense at least in my mind.

    My question after all that. Am I wrong and should I care what structural thinks. PM’s love my work. I’m not over running budgets and my walkthroughs are very detailed for clients and they love that. My current place not only wants to do all the structural design they even want to draw Base supports which I think is crap. Any suggestions on how to handle structural. Do I shut up and give in?

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