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  • #6824

    joe rocket

    Ok I’m not to sure how to explain this very well but here it goes.

    Alright I have a tank farm going in that consist of 10 tanks. Each of these tanks holds a different product. Now 6 of these tanks hold products that can be pushed through C.S. lines. The people I am working for want these 6 tanks to share a line to save cost. The problem is that all the tanks are next to eachother but the diffrent reactors that they go off to are far apart. So I have to figure a way to pig the line, after its done pushing one product, so that it can transfer product from another tank to another reactor using that same line. The first tank may only send its product half way down that line till it branches off to its reactor. I’m kinda lost here since I’ve been doing this a year and am not familure with pigging. They seem to think this will save money. If somebody can give me any insite on what to look into, a web site to check out, or maybe even a better idea I would be very gratefull.

    Thank you,


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