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  • #7338


    Hi all
    i have one query regarding the selection criteria of different material while the design and operating parameters
    of the Steam is same .
    In detail , HP steam main line ( from HRSG to Turbine ) having size DN 300 , Design Temp. 572 ,Design Pressure 153 the material chosen is alloy steel (A335 P91) .
    Also the drains of the main line having size DN 25 , Design Temp. 572 ,Design Pressure 153 the material chosen is alloy steel (A335 P91) .
    But the sampling ( continuous) lines taken from this main line having size DN 10 , Design Temp. 572 ,Design Pressure 153 the material chosen is stainless steel (A312 TP316 H) .

    What could be the reason for selecting different material for sampling line as compare to material of main line and its drain ???

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