June 14, 2007 at 1:47 am
Hello guys,
I concur with Jop:
“With this in mind I do not recommend a (default) field weld at every platform penatration. It would be unneccessary and would add extra cost to the project”
I usually just tell the civil people that I want a hole on the grating, the size and where I want it, sometimes you might need a support (at the grating elevation, supported on the srtucture) there and have to tell them that its not a standard hole.
I allways thought that FFW’s were necessary where you need or are not sure of the final longitud, for example if you are going up (or down from) to the rack.
And I think there is one more, you put FW’s on small sized branches, drains etc because handling from shop to the field might damage them.