Re: 9000# Socketweld Union Dimensions

Mike Thoreson

First of all… thank you to everyone who replied to my seemingly simple post. I, too, have done a little more research including writing to the Assistant VP of Product Engineering at Bonney Forge (weird huh 11echo?… smiling). These mythical 9000# S.W.unions actually appear in a published job piping spec by a fairly large engineering firm, but my feeling is that they were painstakingly fabricated from scratch to suit a corrosion allowance (3/16″ C.A.) instead of having to adhere to a prescribed pressure-temperature curve.

The Bonney Forge VP basically told me the same thing, 11echo. They are not governed by MSS SP-83 criteria so who knows what the dimensions are… thanks again for all of the positive response!

A fellow senescent piper,

hey Jop… thanks for the new word, but I’m so senescent that I’ll probably forget it tomorrow (smiling)…