Why is it better to illegally download software, then try to muddle through it, without any guidance? <===== The documentation in the software are enough guidance....
It is better to find an approved training agency/company and PAY for proper tuition!!! <===== what about if tutions fees is just for 1000$ and for three days only and after getting training one forget it if do not practice it again and again.....And training do not provide excellency; it is what done by practicing particular software again and again.....
And what about if particular software tarining intitute is not in one's country.......
You will also get a certificate of competance for use of that particular software. <===== when applying for a company they not need it.. it is enough in ur resume written that u know particular software....
And the most known fact that 90 % people over world are learning software like this…….so why should i stop
and i do not think so for learning purposes getting pirated software is illegal……..
In the end i am not forcing anybody to get illegal software… i just give a suggetion….. that is what done by most people of the world….and remember competition is tough!!!!