I am in no way “selling” anything. I was simply stating that I have witnessed many companies/individuals work their way through the progression of training and getting started on PDMS. Yes some people are partial to other software. Just as Microstation guys think AutoCad is a plague on society there are also people that are Intergraph guys that think the same of PDMS. All I am trying to state is that while some people have disdain for software X it doesn’t mean that software X has a deficiency it is just that this individual is either not inclined to get on board with the software or unable to learn the software. In this day and age there are many different software solutions out there with many differences as well as similarities.
All I can speak to is my experience in knowledge and the sites that I go to. Most of those have the highest paying jobs for PDMS folks or mention it in those job posts. I realize that there are groups that don’t have the need for a high end plant design tool so there is no need to overpay for a guy with software experience they don’t need. Most of the highest grossing engineering firms in the world are PDMS houses so they can’t all be wrong.
I apologize that through all of my information the only thing you gleamed is that I am trying to “sell” anything. I personally was just trying to help the original poster and trying to shed a PDMS educated eye on the commentary.