Title: Pump Suction Lines ‘Flooded and Overflooded’
Just got little bit confused with two types of pump suction lines. Pls clear:
A) What difference b/w ‘Overflow Pump Suction Line’. / ‘Flooded oump suction’ (I feel it is normal suction line running from equipment to pump; and should be flooded; in casse if pump is not self priming?).
and Do these two lines normally present in all centrifugal pumps?
B) Process book recommends ‘Overflow pump suction lines are designed for about a one foot/second velocity, unless a higher velocity is necessary to keep small solids or precipitates in suspension.’ <===== What could actually they meant by 'suspending the solids' and why would they like to do so. C)Also in attached figure what could be possible reason fo having a backflow (indicated in red) to pump discharge line again. Thanks