Thank you JOP for your attention.
In fact I am not talking about any particular case. Actually on plant piping I always prefer Tees regardless pipe size and branch sizes because on plant there is always high pressure and high temperature.
But for piping design Out side battery limits of plant, I normally use Tees for small pipe sizes up to 2″ dia because fabrication of stub is difficult for small pipes. But for larger diameter pipes I use stubs. Say from 4″ dia pipe I will take connection of 2″ by stub OR from 4″ dia pipe I will take connection of 4″ (same size). Temperature and pressure are not too much high out side the plant. Approx 110-150 Psi pressure & 60-80C temp.
So, that’s why some times I get confusion, either I should use Tee or Stub in these cases. Because, I have not found any literature about these things yet.
If you can guide me I will really appreciate you.