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  • #5221
    Anton Dooley

    Hi all,

    I am pleased to announce that is teaming up with SPED – The Society of Piping Engineers & Designers, based in Houston, Texas, whose mission is to enhance the skills of piping designers and engineers.

    In conjunction with and expanding their reach outside of the US and Canada, where the programme has gained widespread recognition, to The UK, Ireland and Europe.

    There are a number of ways they do this.

    Corporate Membership; which the employer can organise and this automatically enrols all their pipers.

    Individual Membership; SPED membership is also offered on an individual basis, to piping designers.

    The Society certifies 4 skill levels and publishes the names of those achieving them. A valuable addition to your corporate skills on qualification documents and your CV / resume.

    Training via the Internet, face to face and by video is also offered.

    Further details on SPED PPD Certification, information and relavant links can be found here:

    SPED info on

    I have recently achieved my SPED PPD Level IV certification, and would recommend it to any designers out there looking to add that extra edge to their CV / resume.

    Kind Regards,

    Anton Dooley

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