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  • #7401

    Hey fellow pipers!

    I just saw a job advertised this morning which I applied for 2 weeks ago, it’s in the UK. I won’t say what job it is just in case.
    The job is fairly basic piping and I think I am more than experienced to do it along with the necessary qualifications. So why are they advertising the job again and not bother to reply to my application? I have had this happen on a few occasions and it’s starting to annoy me! None of these companies would know who I am. So why not even give me a chance? The only thing I can think of is because i’m Irish, there is nothing else I can think of. I know on my CV I would have enough to even get me an interview. Is this all in my head or what?

    Oh, btw, I’m in no way “Anti-English” and I am not trying to insult anyone English here, some of the nicest people I know are English. I honestly can not see any other reason! It’s just I heard of this happening before in the 80’s, not just in piping!

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