Removable spools for Air-cooler Inlet piping

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  • #7523

    To remove the Air-cooler Tube bundle , Is it required to provide break flanges for each Bay of Air-cooler inlet Piping

    Anton Dooley

    In a word …. YES.

    The tube / bundle withdrawal space must be clear at the time of withdrawal. (This includes space above the withdrawal space to allow for a monorail, lifting beam, rigging, crane etc.)

    The actual break flange can be combined with a valve, to save on the number of flanges used.

    In the example attached, showing two exchangers on a skid:
    The yellow sections of piping are removable from the exchanger nozz. to the valve.
    The Green sections of piping are permanent.

    • exchskid1.jpg
    James Pennock

    I think more information is required before we can give you a proper answer.

    Anton has provided a fine graphic example showing suggested removable spools for Shell & Tube exchanger. However, the concept is not the same for an Air-Cooler.

    Tube Bundle removal for an Air-Cooler must take into account many more issues.
    These include:
    – The configuration of the Air-Cooler (is it Forced Draft or Induced Draft?)
    – The configuration of the Inlet and Outlet Nozzles –
    – The number of Bundles
    – The size of the Inlet Header and Branches
    – The Location and configuration of the Inlet Header – =609&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmv9D0uJ3NAhWMRiYKHRAtBkAQsAQINA#imgrc=U2wYgB_9vBTpBM%3A
    – The Operating Temperature of the Inlet Service
    – The planned support method for the Inlet Header
    – The presents (or absents) of Bundle isolation Valves
    – Other =609&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmv9D0uJ3NAhWMRiYKHRAtBkAQsAQINA#imgrc=UUOUlNNGsUKm0M%3A

    &source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmv9D0uJ3NAhWMRiYKHRAtBkAQsAQINA#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACVFDlJTTRrFCIjjS9A9UaqYnn5OlV3pQ2OSpeOigv4_1DbccKyD8eB2XjRzJINoHPL7Kz-ji732LkJ0PBOJt-OD_1KAioSCdL0D1RqpiefEeJe8dYUkgWxKhIJk6VXelDY5KkRGqQzcLZ-N_10qEgl46KC_1j8NtxxHX-ZjmX9FjNioSCQrIPx4HZeNHEfyzlJJDrSytKhIJMkg2gc8vsrMRtOS6yTDBeZMqEgn6OLvfYuQnQxEz-W8tJEmVGyoSCcE4m344P8oCEQTrSPJ1AGdp&q=Images of Fin-Fan Air-Cooler installations&imgrc=SzC6eAkY5F8dDM%3A

    Good subject, thanks for the question.

    Anton Dooley

    Point taken JOP. :blush:

    I need to take better care in answering!
    For some reason, I read the question and got heat exchanger in my head, and went with that!

    My apologies Arakeri …. oops.

    Mick McCafferty


    Try this link for info on coolers and layout.

    James Pennock

    Good article.
    Thanks for sharing it.

    Mick McCafferty

    Thanks JoP.
    On reflection I would say that the article does not specifically address removable spools and the examples of inlet and outlet piping maybe imply they are not necessary. However we would tend to have removable spools on inlet in order to allow the bundles to be removed if necessary as we typically have plug type header with inlet nozzles on top. For standard maintenance the tubes etc would be maintained in situ as per vendors instructions. I have attached page from installation manual for forced draft with inlet/outlet plug type on same side.

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