“Tag” Searching Improved

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  • #6819
    Anton Dooley

    We have improved the “Tag” searching on pipingdesigners.com/wp/

    All of our Articles, Tools, Menus etc, have smart tags associated with them.
    At the bottom of any article, ,you will see Tags (like little blue buttons). Clicking on these will bring you to a list of all content that has the same tag.

    We have also introduced a “Tag Search List” menu, under CONTENTS.
    This will give you a list of all tags used on the site, clicking on any given tag with display a list of all content with that tag.

    If you have any suggestions for New tags, or articles that may need to have particular Tags added, please let me know.

    James Pennock

    The “Tag Search List” is a great addition to the site, Good Job!


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